This is a selection of my appearances in the press. For a full list, click here.
Playing Possum by Susana Monsó review – do animals understand death? — Mention in The Guardian (01/01/2025)
Death becomes them — Review of Playing Possum in the Times Literary Supplement (20/12/2024)
The best books to give as gifts this Christmas — Mention in The Guardian (08/12/2024)
The best books of 2024 — Mention in The New Yorker (04/12/2024)
Books of the year 2024 — Mention in The New Statesman (13/11/2024)
Beasts and the Big Sleep — Review of Playing Possum in the Wall Street Journal (12/11/2024)
6 new books we recommend this week — Mention in The New York Times (31/10/2024)
The best books we read this week — Mention in The New Yorker (30/10/2024)
What ants and orcas can teach us about death — Interview for The New York Times (29/10/2024)
What do animals understand about death? — Review of Playing Possum in The New Yorker (28/10/2024)
What do animals know about death? — Review of Playing Possum in The New York Times (23/10/2024)
Animals’ understanding of death — Interview for the American podcast Talk Nerdy (21/10/2024)
Could animals possibly understand death? — Interview for the American radio programme Think KERA (18/10/2024)
How do animals understand death? — Interview for the American radio programme Science Friday (18/10/2024)
Dieren zijn soms in rouw om een dierbare — Mention in the Dutch news paper NRC (16/10/2024)
The best of the academic presses for autumn 2024 — Mention in The New Statesman (16/10/2024)
What we can learn from animals about death and mortality — Interview for Ars Technica (16/10/2024)
Πώς πενθούν οι φάλαινες, πώς αντιλαμβάνονται τον θάνατο οι σκύλοι; — Interview for the Greek newspaper Kathimerini (15/10/2024)
Animals Know More About Death and Dying Than We Often Assume — Interview for Psychology Today (15/10/2024)
Do animals understand death? — Interview for the Boston Globe (10/10/2024)
‘Elephants show immense interest in corpses’: Susana Monsó, the philosopher examining what animals know about death — Interview for The Observer, Sunday supplement of The Guardian (06/10/2024)
Do Animals Understand Death? The Latest Science Might Surprise You — Interview for the American magazine Gizmodo (30/09/2024)
Μπορούν τα ζώα να κατανοήσουν τον θάνατο και πώς πενθούν; — Mention in the Greek magazine Neolaia (16/09/2024)
Cosa sanno gli animali della morte? — Mention in the Italian newspaper Il Post (16/09/2024)
Do animals know that they will die? — Mention in the American magazine The Atlantic (09/09/2024)
Mortal coils — Review of Playing Possum by Sy Montgomery for The American Scholar (03/09/2024)
Dans le cimetière des éléphants — Interview for the French magazine Epsiloon (24/07/2024)
How animals grieve — Interview for the 1A show on the American National Public Radio (26/06/2024)
Los animales también tienen cultura — Interview for the Spanish magazine Muy Interesante (02/2024)
¿Saben los animales que van a morir? — Mention in the Spanish magazine Muy Interesante (27/11/2023)
«Опоссум Шредингера. Смерть в мире животных» Думают ли слоны о смерти — Mention in the Russian magazine N+1 (30/10/2023)
Quand les animaux tentent un coup de bluff — Interview for the French Magazine Epsiloon (28/08/2023)
Susana Monsó, filósofa: “Estudiar cómo viven los animales la muerte nos ayuda a naturalizar el duelo” — Interview for the Spanish newspaper El País (05/07/2023)
Do animals grieve? — Interview for the American podcast Unexplainable (Vox) (28/06/2023)
¿Es el ser humano el único animal que piensa? — Interview for the Spanish radio programme Punto de Enlace (RNE) (26/06/2023)
La muerte en el mundo animal — Interview for the Spanish national TV station La 2 (23/06/2023)
Is human intelligence overrated? — Interview for the Canadian radio CBC (22/06/2023)
Comportamiento e inteligencia animal — Interview for the Spanish radio programme A Hombros de Gigantes (RNE) (13/05/2023)
¿La moral nos diferencia de otros animales? — Mention in the Spanish magazine Muy Interesante (04/2023)
Pensar como las bestias: nuevas miradas sobre la inteligencia animal — Interview for the Spanish newspaper El País (16/04/2023)
Gli animali concepiscono la morte? Lo scopriamo con Susana Monsò e il suo «opossum di Schrödinger» — Interview for the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera (17/03/2023)
Ma quanto è buono (da morto) il padrone! — Mention in the Italian newspaper Il Sole (19/02/23)
Necrofobia, tanatosis y otros secretos animales — Interview for the Spanish podcast Lo que tú digas (08/02/23)
Susana Monsó: «Los perros y los gatos nos tienen totalmente domesticados» — Interview for the Spanish magazine XLSemanal (25/09/2022)
La ballena que paseó a su bebé muerto por medio mundo — Mention in El Caballo de Nietzsche, the animal ethics blog of the Spanish newspaper (09/07/2022)
¿Pueden ser morales el resto de animales? — Mention in the Spanish newspaper El País (28/05/2022)
Susana Monsó: «Nos da miedo aceptar que somos depredadores» — Interview for the Spanish magazine Zenda (10/05/2022)
Animal minds and animal morality — Interview (with Kristin Andrews) for the American podcast Many Minds (28/04/2022)
Do animals understand what it means to die? — Interview for VICE magazine (02/02/2022)
Animals respond to death in many ways. Mourning might be one of them. — Interview for Discover Magazine (21/01/2022)
Holt volt, holt nem volt: a halál — Interview for the Hungarian magazine 168 Óra (31/10/2021)
‘Manche Tiere ahmen verwesende Leichen nach’ — Interview for the German newspaper Der Spiegel (30/10/2021)
Power and possums — Interview for the Australian national radio ABC (25/10/2021)
‘Playing possum’ shows animals know death — Mention in Nature’s newsletter Nature Briefing (21/09/2021)
¿Tienen moral los animales? — Interview for the Spanish press agency EFE (picked up by the Spanish newspapers El Mundo and Público, among others) (02/07/2019)