
I’m interested in what animals are capable of feeling, thinking, and doing, and what this means for the sort of treatment that we owe them.

Most of my research has focused on (socio-)cognitive capacities traditionally viewed as uniquely human, such as morality or a concept of death. I’m interested in exploring to what extent these preconceptions respond to over-intellectualised accounts of these capacities or to skewed interpretations of the available data. I am also involved in devising conceptually more robust (and more ethical) ways of studying animal minds, and reflecting on the ethical implications of new discoveries in comparative cognition.

My work is highly inter-disciplinary and involves collaborations with philosophers and scientists from different fields. In addition, I aim for my research to have an impact beyond academia. I have written popular pieces for outlets like Aeon, New Scientist, and The Conversation. I am also the author of a popular science book called La zarigüeya de Schrödinger, which explores how animals understand death. An English translation, titled Playing Possum: How Animals Understand Death, is forthcoming with Princeton University Press.

You can check out what I’ve written until now by having a look at my publications.